Before we start, let me say something. Normally I would keep the personal messages away but this one was so touching so I wanted to share it with all of you :)
Here we go:

1. When did you start writing? Was there a specific event that triggered it?
It was the combination of two events.
Event one: I used to work with a lawyer who I had a great deal of respect for. We were working together one afternoon, he set a pile of papers on the table I had written, looked me square in the eye and said, “Mrs. Straight, you are one of the most compelling writers I've ever met.” Keep in mind, what he was reading was work-related and a full ten on the boring scale. His compliment was unexpected and flattering, I filed it away.
The second event was when I finished reading Stephanie Meyers’ Twilight Series. She was able to elicit every major emotion I had ever felt in my life, in just four books. When I put Breaking Dawn down, I was wholeheartedly inspired and I began writing.
2. How do you get ideas for your books?
The Destiny Series was a story I had in my head screaming to get out. It wasn't based on any event in my life, but was something I felt compelled to write. I wish I could explain it.
The Touched Series is a series I wanted to write. I wanted a subject that was off-the-wall enough that it wouldn't be compared to any other series. Centaurs are a nearly non-existent theme in the Paranormal Romance / Mythological Romance genre so I think I hit my mark.
3. Are your characters inspired by real people?
The characters’ personalities are absolutely based on real people. Not the circumstances the characters find themselves in, but the personality traits – yes.
Most of my friends are incredibly strong, intelligent, successful women so the heroines in my stories are also very strong. I like to think of them as a culmination of about five AMAZING women in my own life. Rebecca, Lisa, Carla, Lynette and Barb, if you’re reading this – thanks for your inspiration!
4. Do you have something in common with Lauren or Camille?
Lauren and Camille are two kick-butt heroines, with very different personalities. Lauren went toe-to-toe with a demon, was put through some horrific physical challenges, and her perseverance ultimately got her the happy ending she fought for. In fact, at the end of Destiny’s Wrath is a note from me to the readers saying the series is done for now, that I wanted Lauren and Max to be able to enjoy their happy ending. Eventually there will be a fourth book in the series, but writing Destiny’s Wrath was emotionally draining for me and I wanted to tie the story up with a bow so no one was left hanging. Sometime in 2013 I’ll begin the fourth book in their saga.
Camille is every bit as strong as Lauren, but her strength is in her unwavering force of will. As her story unfolds, I think she’s a character we’ll all hope to see when we look in the mirror.
As far as things in common with Lauren or Camille? I hope there is a little of me in each of them – but I don’t want to fight a demon to confirm it!
5. Do you have a favorite character among your books? Who and why? And do you have one that you don’t like?
A favorite? I absolutely LOVE Daniel in the Touched Series. He’s Camille’s best friend, is the voice of reason when she makes some questionable decisions and is as sarcastic as any friend I’ve ever had. The part that I don’t like about him is he is in love with Camille and keeps popping back into the story trying to convince Camille to leave the Centaur life behind her. Book 3 he’s defiantly getting a girl friend! LOL!
6. What is your favorite book of all times?
I’m sure the right answer to this one should be one of the classics, but I used to HATE reading. Yes, hate. I’m convinced because I kept trying to read books that others told me were great literature, instead of stories that moved me. Instead of one, I’m going to name a few and tell you why I love them.
- Significance by Shelly Crane. The story brought me to tears, made me laugh and at one point made my palms sweat. There’s something about Shelly’s writing that made me want to pry my eyes open at 3 am when I knew I had to catch a nap because my alarm was going to go off at 5 am.
- Premonition by Amy Bartol. The main character Evie totally ticked me off, but hers was the first book where I developed a full blown love affair with a fictional character. I dare you not to fall in love with Reed!
- Reckless Magic by Rachel Higginson. This whole series was exceptional, I read all four books in eight days. I laughed, cried, and when it was over I read it a second time just to make sure I didn’t miss anything my first time through.
- Beg for Mercy by Shannon Dermott. There are no words. This is the only book I can remember reading where I read it at my son’s bus stop, at lunch, in the kitchen waiting for the stove to heat up for dinner, on the way to the movie theater with my husband. I was obsessed.
- Five by Christie Rich. I’ve read lots of books about fairies, but Christie’s plot was so different from all others I’d ever read that I recommend it to everyone.
7. What is your favorite paranormal creature? Would you like to be one?
I have to say that I’m pretty partial to Centaurs now, but until recently I would have to say Vampires. There’s something a little romantic, regardless of the story line, about combining immortality with desire and pleasure.
But, no, if there really are vampires out there – I’m happy remaining a mortal human.
8. What are the biggest challenges and rewards of writing a book?
Shortly after I published my first book, Meeting Destiny, I joined goodreads. I think I had sold maybe twenty-five books. I was still very new to the site and I was surprised when a friend request came in from Charles Young. This was followed by a message saying he had read Meeting Destiny and loved it. Charles was my very first fan and I still message him regularly. If any of you have ever sent a message like the one I received from Charles to a “Rookie” author, I can guarantee you will never comprehend the lifelong impact your simple act of kindness has made (or will make) in that author’s life! When a story moves you, let the author know. Since that day, I’ve met many readers who have gone out of their way to brighten my day – every single message has been an inspiration. Charles, if you’re reading this blog post, thank you, again.
Biggest challenges? I’m horrible at marketing. Every bit of success I’ve achieved has been the result of readers who believed in my novels, and wanted to share them with their friends, not my ability to do any actual marketing.
9. Do you have any work in progress at the moment?
The third book in the Touched Series (still not titled) is underway. I expect to start a fourth book in the Destiny Series in 2013.
Rhomy, again, thank you for your support this week. It’s truly appreciated!! Much love, Nancy
Thank you Nancy!
What a great interview! Nancy, I completely understand the screaming in your head to get out! Awesome to meet you and looking forward to reading your books.
Thanks, Nightly Cafe, it's great to meet you, too!! I don't get to take much of the credit, Rhomy asked fun questions! :D