Monday, February 18, 2013

Interview and super giveaway: Omega by Sussanah Sandlin.

Today is my turn to introduce you to an amazing book from an amazing series, just look at the sexy cover and you let me know!
(be careful with the kids! This is an R Rated book!)

Her interview just cracked me up! Super funny!
And I am officially her new fan!

(Penton Vampire Legacy, Book 3)
Susannah Sandlin

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Publisher: Montlake Romance

Date of Publication: February 5, 2013

Number of pages: 328

Word Count: approx. 88,000

Amazon        Barnes & Noble        Book Depository

Book Description:

The bloody war between the Vampire Tribunal and the defiant scathe of Penton, Alabama, rages on, forcing its residents and their bonded humans to retreat into the underground fortress of last resort: Omega. There, Will Ludlam is charged with the care of Penton's humans, though he longs to fight alongside his vampire brethren. He knows the risks: as the renegade son of the Tribunal's vicious leader, Will's capture could doom the resistance.

Yet he is determined to prove his worth to his adopted scathe, to his vengeful father and to former US Army officer Randa Thomas, his beautiful, reluctant partner. Randa has little faith that a former member of the vampire elite has what it takes to fight a war. But as their enemies descend upon Omega, Will's polished charm and Randa's guarded heart finally give way to the warrior within.

Fans of Susannah Sandlin's Penton Legacy are sure to devour this long-awaited third installment of the steamy paranormal series.       


  1. For people who haven’t heard of the Penton Legacy series, make a brief description.
A human pandemic vaccine has made human blood poisonous to vampires, so the vampire world is on the verge of starvation and civil war. Caught in the middle is a small community in Alabama founded by Irish master vampire Aidan Murphy and his followers—plus their willingly bonded human familiars. Each book in the series follows one of the vampires lieutenants—Aidan, Mirren (a 400-year-old Scottish warrior), and Will (a 60-year-old American)—as they fight to preserve their way of life, and find love along the way. It’s high-octane, with the action and tension building as the series progresses.

  1. What does your family think of your works?
LOL. I also write an urban fantasy series under the name Suzanne Johnson (the Sentinels of New Orleans series), and they love those books. They’re PG-13 in terms of sex and language. They’re violent, but also have a lot of humor. This series is R-rated, so a lot of my family members don’t even know about it. Especially the uber-conservative ones, who would probably stage an intervention. I live in the Southern US Bible Belt.

  1. Do you have specific habits when you write?
Only bad ones. I’m really bad to stop every paragraph and check email. I’m trying to break myself of that.

  1. Are you an early bird or night owl?
Sigh. I’m an early bird. Definitely a morning person. That’s bad, because I have a daytime job, which means most of my writing has to be done at night when I’m far from my sharpest. So I’m learning to become a night owl.

  1. Where do you get your inspiration?
Anywhere and everywhere! I love to read. I read a lot of magazines like National Geographic and Smithsonian and Science News, which are great for generating ideas. I don’t watch much TV, but TV series are good for studying dramatic I can call it research J

  1. Which of your characters is your favorite and why?
Right now, it’s Will Ludlam, the hero of Omega, which came out on February 5. He is one of the most complex characters I’ve written, with a serious history and a lot of baggage. He was a hard character for me to write at first, but in the process of getting inside his head, I fell in love with him. Of course, I’m usually in love with whoever I’m writing about at the time. In my urban fantasy series, I have serious love for the undead early 19th-century French pirate Jean Lafitte, who’s a major series character.

  1. If you could have coffee with any character of any book, who would it be and why?
Right now, it would be the hero of my work-in-progress, Jack Kellison, so I could get to know him better. It would make him easier to write! I’d love to observe the guys from the Black Dagger Brotherhood at a distance; I think they’d scare me live and in person. Um...maybe Harry Dresden from Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files series. Love me some Harry!

  1. What do you do, besides writing?
I have a day job as editor of a university magazine. I write feature stories, mentor journalism interns, edit copy, work with graphic designers. I’ve been doing it a long time, and it’s a great job. I’ve gotten a lot of ideas for fiction stories from researching nonfiction feature articles. I just need more hours in the day to do both jobs.

  1. Do you have any hobbies?
Not any more since I basically have two full-time jobs. Before I started writing fiction, I used to do paper-pieced quilting. It’s a great relaxing, creative outlet.

  1. Guilty pleasures?
Yeah, okay. I’ve been outed as a reality-TV junkie. Thank goodness for DVRs, so I can record all my favorites. My current favorite is Gator Boys, but I like all the “cultural immersion” shows (well, The New York Times calls them “redneck reality” shows like Swamp People and Ice Road Truckers and Biggest Catch.

  1. What are you reading right now?
I’m in the process of judging books for Romance Writers of America’s RITA contest, so I’m reading waaaaay outside my norm right now. I can’t say the names of the books but they’re historical, inspirational, and series romances, none of which categories I normally read.

  1. Name your favorite authors.
In paranormal romance, I love JR Ward and Patricia Briggs. In urban fantasy, it’s Jim Butcher and Kim Harrison. In the real world, it’s Southern memoirist Rick Bragg.

  1. Tell us about something crazy you’ve done.
I’m a really reserved and rather quiet person, so “crazy” usually doesn’t fit into my wheelhouse. The craziest things I’ve done—like sailing through the Panama Canal while the Marines were invading Panama—weren’t intentional. I was just at the right place at the wrong time.

  1. Best reward as a writer?
Getting emails or feedback from readers who’ve enjoyed my books or want to talk about them. It’s just the most amazing thing in the world to me. Or when someone sends a photo of one of my books out “in the wild.”

  1. Do you review others’ books? Are you nice or are you mean? :P
I have a book blog called Preternatura. I am never mean, because I’ve been on the receiving end of those kinds of reviews and they hurt. Often, the reviewer is just trying to be clever, without realizing it’s at someone’s expense. So if I read a book and don’t like it or don’t finish it, I just don’t review it.

Thanks for having me here today!

About the Author:

Susannah Sandlin is the author of paranormal romance set in the Deep South, where there are always things that go bump in the night. A journalist by day, Susannah grew up in Alabama reading the gothic novels of Susan Howatch and the horror fantasy of Stephen King. (Um…it is fantasy, right?) The combination of Howatch and King probably explains a lot. Currently a resident of Auburn, Alabama, Susannah has also lived in Illinois, Texas, California, and Louisiana.

Giveaway 1:

- There will be one winner.
- Open Internationally.
- You MUST be 18+ to enter!
- I will draw a winner and send the name and e-mail to the author. There is where my responsibility ends.
- Good luck to everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour  Wide Giveaway Details 

1 Kindle Paperwhite or Nook Simple Touch (or US$100 gift card for Amazon, B&N, or Book Depository)
5 $10 gift cards to online bookseller of choice.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. i didn't know your family wasn't aware of all your books but i guess i can understand too^^. You are as talented in both kind of genre by the way ^^ ( but i have a little preference for the sentinel of new orleans i think^^)

    thank you a lot for this new interview.

    Omega and teh penton legacy is really a gread read for fan of paranormal romance... above 18 yes but still wonderfully written with action and romance and suspense... a perfect mix

    1. LOL--some of them know. Just not the ones who don't use a four-letter word stronger than "milk." My uncle the minister is NOT ready to meet Mirren!

  2. Thanks for the Q&A with Susannah. They are always fun. Have read all three books in the series and enjoyed them. Recommend them when I can. Will and Randa's story is great.

    1. I'm planning on seeing that for myself! I've already bought book number 1 in the series! I'm looking forward to reading it!

    2. Thanks, Roger! And Rhomy, I hope you enjoy Aidan and Krys's story!

    3. Thanks, Roger! And Rhomy--hope you enjoy Aidan and Krys's story!



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