If you've been following my blog for a while, you'll know who she is because I'm a huge fan!
She is the author of the Angel Creek series. Her book ReAwakened (Angel Creek #2) is being released in a few days, and I'm honoured to be one of the host for the tour. You'll get to read my review next month.
In the meantime you can read my review of ReVamped or entertain yourself with her interview.
- What did you do before becoming a writer?
I have always spent a lot of my time writing and taking writing/literature classes, but I originally went to university for a Bachelor of Psychology (it helps with creating characters with unique quirks!) and a Masters of Science in Education. I also work as an actress, which is very complimentary to my writing career. What can I say? I love spending my time in imaginary worlds! :)
- Which is your favorite paranormal romance book? And writer?
Oh, wow. I honestly don’t know if I could isolate one single book or author. I really love the latest trend in YA literature in which paranormal romance mixes with action and strong heroines. My mind is blanking on a single top “paranormal” book that I've read recently as I usually take a little break from reading the genre while writing in it, so I’ve been on a somewhat dystopian and contemporary kick in the past few months. I have a huge list of super talented authors in that category that I’ve fallen head-over-heels in love with! Paranormal romance wise, I’m really looking forward to reading the “Vampire Academy” series (as soon as I’m done writing about vampires). It’s been recommended to me as having both action and romance, so I’m excited to check it out.
- Where did you get the idea for ReVamped?
I was inspired by our society’s obsession with vampires and decided to explore what would happen if vampires—feeling idolized—chose to "come out into the light". However, it wasn’t my goal to tell a story about perfect creatures—there are already so many wonderful books about strong, beautiful vampires. My focus was on writing a tale about “vampire misfits” who need a lot of revamping to actually even begin to resemble vampires. For both “ReVamped” and “ReAwakened”, I wanted to take a different approach to the genre and write an unexpected tale filled with many twists and turns.
- Which is your favorite character of the books?
Dawn, being the main character, is definitely one of my favorites. I like to watch her grow and mature as the series progresses. I know that I put her through a lot, but I really admire her strength and determination, as well as her love for her friends. I’m also a big fan of Razor; he’s one of those characters that’s always so much fun to write! The Misfts are as well—there’s never dull moment with that gang. Of course, we can’t forget about Sebastian! ;)
- What is your favorite scene from your books so far?
Hmm…that’s a very good question. I really loved writing the scene with the meat grinder in “ReAwakened”. I know, I know—call me crazy. Overall, I enjoy writing scenes where Dawn gets to kick some butt, but I’m also a big fan of emotional scenes. I loved the scene in the gazebo with Sebastian’s second note. That’s all I can say due to spoilers. It’s so hard to talk about this question without divulging spoilers! I want to be like: “the scene you-know-where when you-know-who does you-know-what”. ;)
- Do you prefer ebooks or paperback books? Why?
I prefer paperback books. I love running my hands over the shiny cover, feeling the pages between my fingers—you know, the usual book-lover behavior that may be considered a little crazy by those who don’t share in the sentiment. That being said, e-books are great as well, especially when travelling. You can store hundreds of them on a single e-reader and take them anywhere in the world without worrying about damage or the weight!
- If your books were made into a movie, what actors would you choose?
Each of my characters exists as a unique individual in my mind. When I think of what they look like, I don’t imagine an actor or anyone I know. They’re just Dawn, Sebastian, Brooke, Sophie, Hunter, and Seth. I do, however, love it when my readers create fantasy castings! It’s a lot of fun and takes off the pressure from me, hehe. So…what do you think? :)

Well, guys, I'll have to start creating a fantasy casting, yay! I accept suggestions :)
I hope you enjoyed the interview, It was so much fun to do it.
Remember to check my current giveaway to get the opportunity to win another amazing book HERE.
Excellent interview. It's great to meet you Ada! Can't wait to read the book, Rhomy has me all hyped up about it :)